Mona Ezzat-Velinov, MD

Brand Development Identity Collateral Interactive Design Photography
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    The word­mark we designed is a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Dr. Mona’s mod­ern aes­thet­ic. Its look and feel con­tin­ued to serve as inspi­ra­tion for a flex­i­ble pho­to library of con­tem­po­rary, evoca­tive imagery reflect­ing aspects of health.

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    There’s a lot of noise and con­fu­sion around health care these days, and even more around Func­tion­al Med­i­cine. Mon­a’s web­site is designed to inform, clar­i­fy and guide patients toward find­ing their best health through Func­tion­al Medicine.

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Dr. Mona wants peo­ple to spend more time feel­ing good. We spent time mak­ing her brand feel good.

There are doc­tors and then there are heal­ers. Dr. Mona prac­tices func­tion­al med­i­cine, an emerg­ing field that mar­ries the best think­ing in med­i­cine, nutri­tion, genet­ics, sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy with an old-fash­ioned, get to know you” approach in order to find the best, most per­son­al­ized path to health for every patient. She’s also hip as hell and has a killer shoe col­lec­tion with names like Choo and Blah­nik. We want­ed her web­site to reflect both her per­son­al­i­ty and the kind of mod­ern med­i­cine she embraces. With it, she is attract­ing like-mind­ed patients and see­ing her prac­tice take off. In heels, no less.