Health Nucleus / HLI

Advertising: Print+Digital Brand Development Messaging Strategy Interactive Design Video

  • Think print is dead? Tell 1.7 Mil­lion L.A. Sun­day Times readers. 

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    Health Nucle­us need­ed to express that aging is a giv­en, and dis­ease is not with the advances in pre­ven­ta­tive care and diag­nos­tics. We con­veyed this mes­sage sim­ply and powerfully.

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  • Health Nucle­us cre­at­ed a pro­pri­etary pro­gram that com­bines the pow­er of data inte­gra­tion and diag­nos­tic insight in the pur­suit of longevi­ty. We cre­at­ed a Brand Anthem that sums up what makes it meaningful.

    As a part­ner piece for Mass Gen­er­al, we cre­at­ed Liv­ing 100+, a quar­ter­ly mag­a­zine high­light­ing break­throughs in research and patient sto­ries that inform and inspire patients, physi­cians, and sci­en­tists alike.

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    Ad to spon­sor OCEAN: Preser­va­tion Exhi­bi­tion and screen­ing by the Deb­bie Dick­in­son Gallery to ben­e­fit Woods Hole Oceano­graph­ic Institute.

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